Dog mosquito repellent

Summer is not only the brightest and sunniest time, but also the time when insects actively begin to annoy. The most intrusive can be called mosquitoes. But not only for people, they are dangerous, but also for pets, too, namely for dogs. This applies not only to smooth-haired and short-haired breeds. On the body of any, even the most furry animal, there are places where their body is not protected. In this article we will look at the most popular and effective mosquito repellents for dogs.

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Types of protection for dogs from mosquitoes

Pets are of different sizes, with different characters and different hairs, so the funds from mosquitoes for dogs need to be selected for each animal individually.

There are several different ways to protect your pet from annoying bloodsuckers:

  1. Sprays
  2. Drops.
  3. Collar.
  4. Folk remedies for mosquito repellent.

Let's deal with each of these ways to protect against mosquitoes separately.

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Dog Mosquito Sprays

In veterinary clinics there are now a lot of different mosquito repellents for dogs, the release of which is carried out in the form of an aerosol. All of them differ in their mode of action, price, effectiveness and smell.

The choice

largeWhen choosing such anti-mosquito repellents, it is worth considering the weight, size, age and nature of the pet.

Terms of use:

  1. Before using this or that mosquito repellent for dogs, be sure to read the instructions and warnings on the packaging.
  2. Observe the correct dosage and monitor the shelf life of the drug.
  3. Before using such chemicals, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian and find out if your animal is allergic to the drug with which you are going to process it.
  4. The spray should be applied to the withers - where the pet cannot get it.
  5. After applying the spray, you should wait about 15 minutes for the mosquito repellent for dogs to begin to act, only then go for a walk.

Important! If your animal is sick or weak, then there are special sprays that the owner himself can apply on his palms and evenly spread on the body of the pet. After such use of drugs, it is worthwhile to ensure that the animal does not lick.

Popular aerosols

So that you can quickly understand the entire range of protection offered, we offer a list that includes the most effective and affordable mosquito repellents for dogs. They are in constant demand among dog breeders:

  • Hartz® UltraGuard ™ Flea & tick Spray for dogs. This spray is effective against insects such as fleas, lice, ticks and mosquitoes. Effective 24 hours after its use. The duration of the action is 1 week. Its advantage is that it is used for both adults and puppies from 6 weeks of age. Spray is available in bottles with a capacity of 473 ml. The manufacturer of this drug is the United States.

Important! This spray is not recommended for sick, pregnant and aging individuals.

  • "Leopard". This spray is used against mosquitoes, ixodid ticks, fleas, lice. Effective 24 hours after use and protects for 4 weeks from ticks and 2 months from fleas. Available in 100 ml vials. The manufacturer of this drug is a company from Russia, Agrovetzashchita.

Important! This spray can not be used for sick animals feeding females and puppies up to 10 weeks of age.

  • “Dana.” This mosquito repellent for dogs is just as effective against ear mites, lice. The onset of action occurs after 12 hours and is valid for 2-3 weeks from ticks and 1-2 months from fleas. Used for adults and puppies from 10 weeks of age. Available in bottles with a capacity of 100 and 200 ml. The main producer is Russia.
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Dog mosquito drops

In addition to mosquito sprays, there are also drops. As with the spray, you must first consult a veterinarian to advise you on good drops and determine which ones are suitable for your dog’s breed.

Important! It should be borne in mind that each breed is allergic to the different substances that make up the drops. Do not forget about the weight characteristics of the dog. That is, you need to buy drops for a pet with an integrated approach.


Drops, like sprays, are applied to the withers of the dog, where she cannot reach and lick them. A pipette is included with the drug, which can be used up to 30 times.

Important! Such mosquito repellents for dogs are predominantly waterproof. Therefore, if the dog falls into the rain or bathes somewhere, the drug will not stop its action.

Additional terms

If your pet is ill with something or the bitch is pregnant, be sure to visit your veterinarian before buying drops and consult with him to prevent her health from getting worse.

Popular mosquito drops

The most common to date are the following mosquito repellents for dogs in the form of drops:

  • Fiprex. Act with fipronil. Use them for adult dogs and puppies from 8 weeks. This Polish product is used against fleas, ticks and lice, but it protects from ticks for 1 month, and from fleas to 3. Do not use this drug for pregnant and lactating bitches, as well as sick and weakened dogs.
  • “ADVANTIX”. These drops are used against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. The advantage of these drops in long-term action is from 4 to 6 weeks. An additional plus - they reduce the risk of diseases such as dirofilariasis and leishmaniasis. Cautions are the same as in the previous drug.
  • Beaphar. The mosquito repellent for dogs of this brand is practically no different from the previous ones. Their only advantage is that they begin to act instantly. In terms of contraindications - it is not recommended to use dogs up to 2 kg, it is strictly forbidden to use in a mixture with other means.
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Dog Mosquito Collars

Collars are a fairly new and modern mosquito repellent for dogs. They are used as ordinary collars. The only condition is that 2 fingers must pass between the collar and the neck of the animal, only then optimal interaction with the dog’s body will be ensured.

Special conditions

The first 5 days after the start of using the pet collar is better not to bathe, so that the product itself is evenly distributed over the surface of the dog’s body. The collar itself is better not to wet at all.

There are no other restrictions.

Important! When using such a mosquito repellent for dogs, bloodsuckers will not worry your pet for six months.

Popular models

Whistle-Activity-Monitor-For-Dogs-0-6There are several models that are considered the most effective. Perhaps it is for them that you have to give preference after an independent analysis of the products of this direction presented on the market:

  • Preventic This collar is valid for 3 months, but the drug is distributed throughout the body of the dog for 48 hours. It is forbidden to use for cats and puppies up to 12 weeks. It comes in two sizes - small and large, so you can easily pick up exactly what your pet needs.
  • Seresto. Unlike the model described above, this collar protects the dog for up to 8 months.It will protect your pet not only from mosquitoes, ticks and fleas, but also from various types of diseases spread by insects. Also applies to cats.
  • Sentry. With the help of a special system of action - the drug will be allocated a little bit, its effectiveness will remain until six months.
  • Virbac Preventic. This collar is not much different from the rest. It will fight mosquitoes for 3 months, it is not advisable to use it for dogs up to 12 weeks.

Important! If you need to urgently treat your pet from mosquitoes, and there is no veterinary kiosk nearby, then you can just get by with a baby mosquito repellent - it is absolutely safe for dogs.

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Alternative means of fighting mosquitoes for dogs

As you already understood earlier, a lot of anti-mosquito repellents are being produced in our time. But most of them are very expensive, which means that not everyone can afford to buy them.

But even if the simplest professional mosquito repellent for dogs is not available to you, do not despair. Protecting your pet from bloodsuckers and saving at the same time is possible.

Below are some popular recipes that are great for this purpose:

  1. Clove oil - perfectly repels insects. Apply only one drop to the withers, and the second to the dog’s head. The product is effective for 3 hours, then you can repeat the procedure.
  2. Leaves or berries of bird cherry. Pour the bird cherry with boiling water, then cook for 20 minutes over low heat, remove from the stove, let it brew. When the broth has cooled, it can be used. Apply the same - on the withers and on the head.
  3. Vanillin. You need two bags of vanillin in 50 ml of water, stir these components and lubricate the dog's body.
  4. Wheatgrass. If wheatgrass grows near your house, then do not rush to tear it out and throw it away. Boil the plant and apply liquid to the body of the pet.
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Human infection

A person can also get infected from his pet with various diseases that were transmitted to him from a mosquito. But for this procedure, it is necessary that the mosquito initially infected the dog, and then after about 2 weeks in warm weather (+14 C) it bit the person. Most often, from a dog through a mosquito, a person gets a disease of dirofilaria.

Once in the blood, the larva soon outgrows and settles in some secluded corner of our body. The only time it can be dangerous is when it settles in a vital area.

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Well, now you know much more about your pet’s summer-spring precautions and can easily protect your dog from annoying mosquitoes. And for those who have not yet come into contact with this problem, we advise you to be more careful and take up the prevention of your pet, because the problem can come very unexpectedly.

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