How to sew doll shorts?

Like a person, any toys also need clothes, however, in stores it is very expensive. Many needlewomen have already solved this problem - it is much easier and cheaper to sew clothes for dolls with their own hands, while at the same time delighting their children. One of the unique advantages of such a solution is that you can use the most diverse materials for work, from those that are at your fingertips. In this article, you will learn several ways to sew doll shorts.

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Method 1

Sewing cute summer shorts for a Barbie doll is actually very simple. The first step is to take measurements on the “model”:

  • Waist - From.
  • Hips - Ob.
  • Product Length - Di.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • Ready drawing.
  • Main fabric.
  • Safety pins.
  • Plain fabric.


In order to sew cute shorts for Barbie, you must follow this algorithm:

  • Find a suitable pattern, fit it to the standards of the doll.
  • Mark the places where the folds will be.
  • Cut the finished pattern.
  • Fold the knitwear from which the garment will be made inside out.
  • Attach the pattern to the fabric with safety pins, circle. It is necessary to leave 5 mm for processing.
  • Cut part with allowances.
  • Remove pins from the pattern. You will get two identical pieces of fabric.
  • Next, to make shorts for the doll, you need to grind the details so that the back seam appears. It is not necessary to complete the stitching as the fastener will be on the back of the product.
  • Iron the seams of the back seam, stitch.

Important! You can stitch the halves individually, or with one line, both halves at a time.

  • Hem the bottom of the workpiece. For this, you can choose any machine seam - it can be either ordinary straight or decorative.
  • Lay folds at the waistline, sweep them. There should be 4 folds, the direction of which is shown in your drawing.
  • Now you need to grind the middle front seam.
  • We grind a stepping stitch.
  • We bend a narrow strip of monophonic fabric along its width.
  • Bend the upper part of the shorts with a strip, sew it.
  • At the end of the product belt, make a loop, and on the other hand sew a small hook - the position of both parts is best determined by putting the product on the “model”.

Cute shorts for Barbie are ready!

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Method 2

This method will be somewhat more complicated, since the work uses a more complex basic material for work and the drawing itself.

First of all, you need to prepare all the necessary materials:

  • Denim
  • Ready-made pattern of four parts.
  • Safety pins.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Button to be used as a fastener.

To sew shorts for a doll, just follow this instruction:

  • To cut out two parts of the back and front from denim, as well as one part of the belt.
  • Sew back details together.
  • Stitch the side seams, thereby connecting the front and rear parts.
  • To iron the just received seams from the side of the face, making neat lines.
  • Turn, then stitch the bottom of the product.
  • On the front side of the shorts, attach the waist part to the wrong side, stitch it.
  • Bend this part up, iron.
  • Carefully wrap it from the inside out, sew on the front of the jeans.

Important! For reliability, it is better to make two seams.

  • Sew fasteners.
  • Connect the inguinal stitch from the front of the product to the place where you sewed for fastening.
  • Sew a stepping stitch.
  • Unscrew products, attach button.

Denim shorts are ready!

Important! In the end, you get shorts breeches.To shorten them, you need to make the pattern smaller by decreasing the measure “Product Length” (Di).

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Any doll, like a person, needs beautiful and attractive clothes. Over time, the children get bored of what they have, and they ask for new kits. You can sew these clothes on your own, and you will know for sure that no other doll will have such things as your daughter’s Barbie. From this article, you learned how to make shorts for dolls, which means you almost replenished your child’s huge Barbie wardrobe

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