How to wash off brilliant green from skin quickly?

Almost everyone in the first-aid kit has such a universal antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drug as zelenka. Especially if the family has small children, because it is she who comes to the rescue when the child receives another abrasion or is ill with chickenpox. This tool is well known to all and tested by time. But there is one significant drawback with greenbacks - it leaves bright green traces after itself. And there is a panic thought than how to wash the green from the skin of the arms, legs, face, sofa, table and pet that didn’t come under the arm in time. So how to wash the brilliant green from the skin quickly?

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Useful Tips

In order for your attempts to remove brilliant green from your skin to succeed, follow these recommendations:

  • If you spilled brilliant green or simply stained improvised objects with it, do not panic. Remove it from objects and skin as soon as possible. If the composition is deeply absorbed, removing it will be even more difficult.
  • For the treatment of skin, do not use strong cleaning agents. Maybe they will remove traces of green, but you run the risk of earning an allergy or something else.
  • For children, choose non-aggressive products - the smaller the child, the more gentle the product should be.
  • Handle face skin with care.
  • Even if you need to wash the brilliant green quickly, do not try to do it at once, trying all different and different methods. Treat green spots at short intervals.
  • Use only proven methods, do not buy advertising for dubious drugs.
  • Regardless of the method of removing brilliant green, after all procedures, the skin should be washed with water and smeared with a nourishing cream.
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How to wash the brilliant green from the skin?

There are several proven methods. Moreover, you can definitely find all the means than washing the green from the skin of your hands, face and other parts of the body at home.

Laundry soap

Zelenka does not harm the skin, but creates aesthetic problems, so I want to get rid of it as soon as possible. It is better to react immediately, then it will be easier to wash off. Fresh green can be washed with laundry soap:

  1. It is necessary to dissolve a little soap in water, beat until foam and apply this foam on the stain.
  2. Leave on for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Then rub the skin with a washcloth and rinse under water.
  4. If necessary, these manipulations can be repeated several times.


Alcohol and lemon

Alcohol in combination with fresh lemon juice removes traces of brilliant green:

  1. Mix alcohol or vodka with lemon juice in a ratio of 5 to 1.
  2. Soak cotton in the solution, wipe the contaminated areas.
  3. If the contamination does not immediately go away, then put a cotton pad in place for a few seconds.

Important! Try not to rub very hard, otherwise it can cause irritation on the skin. Long-term exposure to alcohol-containing substances and lemon juice is also unacceptable, as both can cause an allergic reaction. And both remedies greatly dry the skin.


In such a difficult matter, the help of ordinary baking soda does not hurt:

  1. Add baking soda to the water until gruel forms.
  2. Apply this pulp to problem areas, rub in a circular motion for several seconds.
  3. Rinse off the soda with water.
  4. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Hydrogen peroxide

If you have sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions, then it is better to use hydrogen peroxide.Maybe this is not as effective as with alcohol, but more gentle.

Important! Despite the versatility of peroxide, its excessive exposure can cause chemical burns to the skin, so be careful and be alert to the reaction.

Chlorine Bleach

This is a very aggressive way, and you need to resort to it in the most extreme case:

  1. Dilute the product with a chlorine content of water in a ratio of 1 to 1.
  2. Take a cotton swab and dip in this solution.
  3. Wipe the stain quickly, then rinse the product with water just as quickly.
  4. To neutralize the remaining chlorine, treat these places with a swab dipped in vinegar.

Important! In no case should chlorine substances be used on the face, maximum hands and feet.

Face tonic

This is another gentle way if you need to remove the green from the skin of your hands or face. Wipe your skin with a tonic several times a day. It will not help immediately, but gradually the stain will begin to fade, and then disappear.

Nail polish remover

This is not the safest method and is definitely not suitable for young children or people with very sensitive skin. Put a little composition on the swab, wipe the problem areas.

Important! To protect yourself, it is better to take the product on an acetone-free basis.



You can try to remove traces of green with toothpaste. This method is best used if hands are injured. Apply toothpaste to your fingers and leave for 2-5 minutes, and then rinse with water.

Napkins for office equipment

They remove traces of brilliant green due to the alcohol included in their composition. You just need to rub the dirt.

Important! It can be applied to any parts of the body except the face.

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Face cleansing

How to wash the brilliant green from the skin of the face? Only the most delicate methods will work here. To cleanse the face, you can use cosmetics - soft scrub, greasy cream, coconut or some other oil.

The application principle for all options is the same:

  1. Apply the selected product on the face with a thick layer.
  2. After a couple of minutes, remove the residue with a cotton pad, wash.
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How to wash the brilliant green from the hair?

Immediately remove such pollution from the hair does not work. It will take several days to process the stained strand. How can I process my hair? The following tools are suitable for this:

  • vodka and lemon juice in a ratio of 1 to 1;
  • laundry soap solution;
  • kefir heated in a water bath;
  • any oil.

In one of these tools, you need to moisten a cotton pad or piece of gauze and wrap a dirty curl. After 3-5 minutes rinse with water.

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How to remove spots after chickenpox in children?

There are several gentle ways to remove traces of brilliant green that will not harm delicate baby skin:

  • Apply baby cream to green areas and leave for 15 minutes. After that, take the child to the bath and bathe using shampoo and baby soap.
  • Grind the ascorbic tablet to a powder and dissolve in a small amount of water. With this solution, wipe the baby's skin. After treatment, be sure to rinse the baby in the shower.
  • If the child is not allergic to citrus, then you can gently rub the spots on the arms, legs and body with lemon juice.

Important! It is possible to clean the skin of a child only after recovery, when the rash is gone.

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If you didn’t immediately succeed in getting rid of traces of green, do not be discouraged, in a couple of days they themselves will leave.

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