DIY plastic pipe chair

It’s not a secret to anyone that after the repair is completed, unused materials remain in the house. Thrifty owners are in no hurry to get rid of these things. It turns out that you can make many different crafts from them. Pieces of plastic pipes and extra fittings are no exception, because crafts from this material make it possible to bring any fantasies to life and make things useful in the household with your own hands. Let's consider in this article how to make a chair out of plastic pipes with your own hands.

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The benefits of plastic crafts

Is it worth bothering with plastic pipes if simple furniture can be bought at any store? Of course, it’s worth it, because it will not only bring job satisfaction, but also make life easier.

Products from PVC pipes have many advantages:

  • Low cost of sales. Plastic pipes are relatively inexpensive, in addition, you may still have scraps after laying communication systems at home, which do not have to be thrown away.

Important! Moreover, for the implementation of many ideas, already used samples are quite suitable.

  • The absence of toxic secretions, which makes it possible to do crafts for children without risk to their health.
  • High speed and ease of assembly. The ease of installation work when installing a polypropylene pipeline is well known. So, here you can do without soldering, since there is no need to maintain high tightness of the joints.
  • Attractive appearance. Correct forms, white color, which can be changed if desired - all this positively affects the final result of the manufactured thing.
  • The absence of corrosion processes. There is an opportunity to make not only street constructions, but even to completely build, for example, a raft, since neither rain nor direct interaction with water will completely affect plastic.
  • High strength performance. The walls of PVC pipes are thick enough to withstand pressure in water supply systems, and the structures made from them have sufficient resistance to any mechanical stress.
  • Light weight. This gives the finished craft mobility, and also makes the assembly process even more accessible.
  • Long term of operation. It can be at least half a century.

As you can see, plastic pipes have an impressive list of advantages, which can be supplemented by the opportunity to again feel like a child who plays with a designer.

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What is required to assemble furniture from PVC pipes?

Making furniture from pipes with your own hands is not at all difficult - you will need a minimal set of tools, basic skills with them, as well as a bit of creative potential. As a result, you will definitely get comfortable chairs, chairs, tables and shelves - the range of possible products is limited only by your imagination.

Important! The design process will take no more than an hour for each of the items, and this includes design.

The minimum toolbox includes the following:

  • Marker.
  • Roulette.
  • Hacksaw for metal.

Other items that can be found at any summer resident can also be useful - a drill, a soldering iron, a file for smoothing pipe sections.But, for example, a level - it will not be required, since all elements, as in the assembly of ordinary water pipes, will be connected using special fittings - it will not come out of the right angle if you wish. Due to this feature, products from plastic pipes do not need a separate fastener - glue or screws.

Important! Despite the fact that working with polypropylene pipes is quite safe, you should still use protective equipment - gloves and glasses.

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We make a chair from PVC pipes

Craft in the form of a chair made of plastic pipes with your own hands is easy to assemble, for this you need to prepare the following:

  • Medium sized pipe trunks and fittings suitable for them.
  • Plywood (optionally foam rubber can be added).
  • Soldering iron.
  • Upholstery fabric.
  • Self-tapping screws, stapler and hacksaw.

We won’t indicate the sizes, because by the similar technology you can make both a children's and “adult” stool or chair. Therefore, it is better to remove the linear parameters from an ordinary purchase sample and then navigate them.

Important! It is worth noting that in a similar way you can make a table, and even a small bed for one person.


The sequence of steps for making a chair is as follows:

  • Mark the pipes in accordance with the parameters taken, and then cut them into the necessary pieces.
  • Take the crosspiece, which will later be under the seat, and solder to it four short segments leading to the legs.

Important! Instead of soldering, you can apply glue or self-tapping screws, but the latter will look unaesthetic. However, the joints must be strengthened necessarily, since in the future the product must support the weight of a child or adult body.

  • Weld along the tee to the free edges of the tubes.
  • Attach the legs to the lower holes, into the lower ends of which insert the plugs.
  • Assemble two handrails: weld to the corresponding pipes on one side by turning, and on the other by tee. Then to the fittings that go one way, solder another short length.
  • Place the resulting products on the sides of the prepared structure on top of its legs so that the edges with crosses are on the back side, where the back will be.
  • Now start collecting the back. Take the tubes corresponding to its top and weld them to both ends in a turn. To the corners, attach segments half the length of the back. Solder the tees to their edges, which, in turn, connect another tube, thereby creating a stiffener. Depending on the size of the stool, several can be made. Now, with two more segments in the second half of the back, attach the resulting rectangle to the crosspiece of the railing.
  • Screw a piece of plywood to the seat and back with self-tapping screws, which then seal up with foam rubber and cloth.
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A few more ideas for PVC pipe crafts

A lot of things can be made from plastic materials, not only furniture made from pipes with your own hands. You can realize a lot, for example:

  1. Shelves. The course of work also involves the use of a soldering iron, as in the case of the manufacture of chairs, but a perforator with dowels is also required to fix the structure to the walls. If you want to more harmoniously fit the design into your existing interior, also stock up on acrylic paints in the right colors.
  2. Solar collector. A great way to save the cost of heating water in the summer in a country house.
  3. Fencing. This can be either a small fence for a flower bed, or a fence that is installed around the perimeter of the cottage.
  4. Swing. Here it is better to stock up with plastic pipes of large diameter than those that could be used in previous ideas. There are also many options for their implementation, since it can be a small hanging seat or a full-fledged garden swing in the form of a nice sofa.
  5. Removable car trunk.Yes, yes, even your car can be improved with the help of plastic cylindrical products.
  6. Swimming pool. Of course, a suitable lining will still be required here, but it is not difficult to assemble a round or rectangular frame from PVC pipes.
  7. Children sledges. Surely, your child will be very happy about the light and comfortable snowmobile vehicle, which is suitable for dizzying downhill slides.
  8. Clothes dryer. This design can be made collapsible and multi-level for a more functional and convenient operation.
  9. Trash can. It will be enough to build a small frame for the garbage bag.
  10. Notebook Stand. If you want your laptop to be tilted rather than horizontally, then several PVC tubes connected in a certain way will solve your problem.
  11. Decorative partitions. Rings cut from plastic pipes and glued together by walls can remarkably zone the room.
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As you can see, constructing furniture from pipes with your own hands is not at all difficult. Here you will need plastic pipes, some tools and your inspiration. Having spent quite a bit of time, you will receive light, convenient and durable items that will be very useful for you at home both in your apartment and in a country house.

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