How to wash baby clothes for newborns?

When a baby appears in the house, the washing takes on a completely different character. How to wash children's clothes for newborns is a thought that worries more than one new mother, especially if she has no grandparents in her assistants. That is why here we will try to sort through all the recommendations for caring for things for a newborn child from the first days to a year. You will find answers to the questions:

  • whether to wash new clothes for newborns;
  • how to wash baby clothes for newborns in a washing machine;
  • the better to wash clothes for a newborn;
  • than to whiten baby things for newborns.
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Before birth

When you, in anticipation of a miracle, bring home the little things of a future family member, wash them immediately - who and with what hands touched them in the store before you is unknown. Of course, it is best to use the old grandmother’s method of washing - wash clothes with baby or household soap, manually or in a typewriter (your choice).

Important! This is not an outdated option and not the last century. It is enough to take a look at the shelves of shops and supermarkets to make sure that baby soap has become modern, has many varieties, and it is available without any perfumes, or with the addition of various herbs: string, chamomile, sea buckthorn. These are just the herbs that are recommended for babies to add when bathing.

If you still want to be a more modern mother and you think that the achievements in the field of household chemicals may well cope with such washing, then there is news for you too. Expensive, but you can buy detergent for things crumbs, which is really not harmful to wash them. Such washing will save a small amount of time.

Important! Depending on what you are more inclined to at your own discretion, choose the right tool from our ratings based on reviews from hostesses and experts:


Soap by hand:

  1. Soak the wardrobe of the unborn baby in a basin in warm water.
  2. Soap every thing well with soap.
  3. Leave for a while to lie in the resulting soapy solution.
  4. Rub each piece a little.
  5. Rinse thoroughly and hang to dry.

Soap in a typewriter:

  1. Rub the soap on a regular grater.
  2. Load baby clothes into the machine.
  3. Pour the grated soap into the powder compartment.
  4. Turn on the wash in the “Baby wash” mode or, if there is no such mode, set the temperature to 70-80 degrees and double-triple rinse.
  5. After washing, hang to dry.

Important! For five kilograms of clothes, you will need about a third of one ordinary bar of soap.

Powder wash

To cope with the task of how to wash baby clothes for newborns, it is possible with the help of washing powder. But for this he, at a minimum, must be correctly selected.

Powder selection

Washing your newborn’s baby items in a washing machine or manually with detergent is different from how you wash your clothes, because it must be done at high temperature.

Is it possible to wash children's clothes with ordinary powder? Of course not! Laundry detergent for our clothes is contraindicated in infants. From the things washed by them, children can have rashes, redness, terrible allergic reactions on their skin, and from the smell of the substance the baby can get choking.

For washing children's clothing for babies, only the appropriate powder is suitable. Take the choice of powder seriously, because a poor-quality washing agent can contribute to allergies in the baby.

Quality powder:

  • does not contain aggressive chemistry;
  • it is more than desirable that it contains substances on a plant-based natural basis;
  • has a complete absence of allergens;
  • well and completely soluble;
  • rinsed without problems;
  • does not reduce the quality of the fabric, no matter how often it is washed;
  • does not contain chlorine - only oxygen bleach can enter the bleaching baby powder;
  • It has no perfumes.

It is also necessary to consider several points:

  1. If there are companies in the household chemical industry that you trust, then so as not to make a mistake, continue to buy this product. Baby powder is not such a cheap pleasure to experiment with.
  2. Try to buy washing powder in a special store or a large supermarket - usually in such places you can show company certificates, provide information about the company and its products. Take security measures - ask for a certificate and validity period of the manufacturer.
  3. Be sure to check the composition - there should be no phosphates and surfactants in the baby powder. The package must always be marked “hypoallergenic” and “for children from 0.

Powder wash

Wash with powder - both manually and in an automatic machine, you need to follow the instructions on the packaging of your detergent.

Important! After washing the things, be sure to iron them on both sides. This is necessary so that bacteria and microbes do not get on the navel wound. Do this until the navel is completely healed.

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When the baby is already born

As you have already read above, the better it is to wash the clothes of a newborn - soap or powder, only your choice. But the main thing is that the product does not cause allergies and other skin reactions.

Other rules:

  1. At what temperature to wash children's clothes - at high, if you do not want to digest. The baby spits up, sometimes the baby's feces and urine fall on diapers and sheets, and all the bacteria that remain on the tissue can be removed only by high-temperature treatment.
  2. For handwashing, use two pairs of gloves so as not to burn your hands - put on regular cotton gloves under rubber gloves. There is another option - boil and then rinse well. When washing in a typewriter - set the temperature to 80-90 degrees.

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Important! If you notice redness, acne on the baby’s skin and pay attention to his anxiety about this behavior, immediately change the detergent and consult a doctor.

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How to wash clothes of a newborn?

There are general washing rules that must be observed when a baby lives in the house:

  • Adult and newborn clothes are only washed separately. Any. All.
  • If washing in a typewriter - do not load the drum end-to-end so that the laundry launders better.
  • If you didn’t put on some things or used for a long time, then once a week you should also wash them, because dust sits on the material.

Important! If you need to bleach the crumbs of clothing or remove complex stains, use only oxygen bleach or stain remover. No chlorine. No ordinary bleaches and stain removers. Otherwise, a visit to the doctor is guaranteed.

Washing diapers

When your baby was born before winter, diapers are not needed - diapers to help. But in the summer, diapers are a punishment for your baby. The skin sweats, becomes covered with irritation and redness. Therefore, lining the diaper is the only salvation for mothers. How and with what to wash clothes for newborns in this case.

Important! There are many different nuances in caring for a newborn. And he, despite his young age, needs his own things and everyday objects.To facilitate your task, we have prepared a selection of useful publications:

Hand washing diapers

Our grandmothers and mothers also washed it and since then nothing has changed. Follow these steps:

  1. Clean the diapers and sheets from the feces.
  2. Soak them in cold water.
  3. Wait an hour or two.
  4. Wring out.
  5. Soak in warm water and soapy water (as described above in the “Hand Wash with Soap” section).
  6. Wash your chosen usual way.

Washing diapers in a typewriter

If you don’t want to soak, wait, digest, and generally fiddle for a long time, then you can collect all the diapers soiled during the day and wash them in the evening in an automatic machine, setting the “Children's wash” mode, if not, wash at 80-90 degrees . Only in this case it is necessary to wash:

  • if soap - then with oxygen stain remover;
  • if powder - then one that contains stain remover.

When setting the mode yourself, select double-triple rinse, in the “Baby wash” mode it is already programmed.

Important! If the child went “in a big way” to the diaper, the stool must be removed immediately and still soaked for some time in cold water. Otherwise, the spots will remain and you will hardly succeed in removing them later.

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Well, the question of how to wash clothes for a newborn is resolved. It remains only to rejoice at the new achievements of your crumbs and enjoy his company.

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